Java Technology​

This program has been designed for students pursuing/completed Graduation and software application developers who want to start developing web and desktop applications and want to create future in Java technology. However, anyone who is keen on learning how to develop web and desktop applications can also take up this course. The learning artefacts are in the form of live project work, one to one training with developer, eBooks, Slides with Audio, Exercises in between and difficulties faced by participants with regards to the subject matter will be resolved through collaboration with peers and an expert who will mentor the training..
Course 01
- Fundamentals, Introduction, OOPs
- String, Exception Handling, Inner Classes.
- Multithreading, Input and Output (IO)
Course 02
- Reflection, Date, Conversion, Collection
- JDBC, Mini Project on Desktop Based Application
- JEE Introduction, Servlets Introduction,
- Servlets with IDE,Servlet Request.
Course 03
- Session tracking, Event & Listener, Filter
- Servlet Miscellaneous
- JSP introduction
- Scripting Elements